Hi everyone! Today was my second day of class, which I was looking forward to. It was my first class for the 'Race, Class, and Gender' course, definitely my kind of topic. Having learned from the day before, I decided to show up in class maybe 5-10 mins before class started, instead of the usual 15-20 mins. But even on this time schedule, I was way too early! Turns out that there is an unwritten rule at university her that class always starts 10 mins later than from what is on the program... Of course everyone but I was aware of this T^T. Enjoy reading!

Although I am almost positive I was the only exchange student in class, that is not the reason I felt slightly out of place. This might be a bit politically incorrect to discuss, but whatev's. In The Netherlands, even in Amsterdam (especially at UvA) I am kind of used to being one of the few 'colored' people in class. Which can suck to a degree (prejudice etc. etc), but that is just what I am used to. This is similar in office settings. But here at uni, I am actually part of the majority.
Although I went to an international school (thus many foreigners) for my BA, I was still one of the few 'allochtonen' in my year. And most definitely the only one in my year with roots in Suriname. Note my difference here between 'allochtonen' (nth generation of immigrants) and foreigners (expats, international students, tourists). It is such a strange feeling to me not to automatically stand out anymore because of my looks. I am not sure whether I prefer this setting though or the one at home. My fellow UvA'er (who is Caucasian Dutch) compared her class at U of T to the class of the movie 'The Freedom Writers', lol.
Anyways, class went by quickly as we did not discuss any material. I have to admit, having class in English here is quite different from that in The Netherlands. And mind you I did have lecturers from all over the world, including Yale professors, so it is not the case that all my teachers had English as their second language. Also I am completely oblivious to the "North American" context part of this course, but I guess I will find a way to still kick ass.
After I left school I went to the uni bookstore to get my reader and a notebook. Then I went to the gym to get my yoga on! I love how the instructors here try to brainwash you with as many positive images of yourself as possible, hehe. I cannot remember why I decided to get some takeout, but I did. I chose something different for a change, but I immediately regretted it. Does this look like lemon chicken to you? There were even peanuts in the dish (which I am slightly allergic to).
Sefanja Rubina
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Mrs Matsai