zaterdag 29 augustus 2015

Garlic fries (recipe)

One very easy to make dish I have been loving the past few months, and have prepared in many different ways is garlic fries. I have tried them with homemade fries, sweet potato fries, frozen fries, regular parsley, flat parsley, chives, Grana Padano, Parmezan cheese, whatever you name it. Today I want to share with you my favorite recipe up until now!

Frozen oven fries ♡ 3 tbs vegetable oil/olive oil ♡ flat parsley, chopped ♡ garlic, finely chopped ♡ Parmezan cheese (flakes) ♡ salt and pepper to taste

Prepare the fries like instructed on packaging ♡ Heat up the oil in a cold pan, with half of the chopped garlic in it for about 2-4 mins ♡ Let the garlic become fragrant and fry them until slightly colored ♡ Put the oil and fried garlic in a deep bowl ♡ Take the fries out of the oven and immediately put them in the bowl of hot oil and garlic and toss around ♡ Sprinkle both Parmezan cheese, chopped parsley, and the other half of non-friend garlic on top ♡ Season with salt and pepper



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Mrs Matsai