maandag 17 juni 2013

QT with friends

The time has almost come to say goodbye to my friends and family, because I will be heading off to my adventure awaiting me abroad. Although I do not see my girlfriends often, because we are all very busy working on our careers, I talk to them on almost a daily basis. I decided to throw a little goodbye reunion dinner and invited some other friends we went to high school with too.

We had a marvelous time, as always, stuffing our faces and recycling stories we have discussed a hundred times already, but just never seem to get old. Oriental City was the place to be, a Chinese restaurant where we frankly tend to go to only because of the duck. In general, I was not a big fan of the food, because I thought the dishes paled in comparison to those served at my favorite Chinese place called New King. But I must say, no one can beat OC's duck and mandarin pancakes. It keeps me coming back!

I am really excited to be leaving and of course also a bit nervous, because I will be going there without my confidants to fall back on in rough times. But I am positive it will be an unforgettable experience of a lifetime and hope to make lots of new friends while I am there. My goal is to blog every single step, which will take up a lot of my time, but definitely will be worth it.


Sefanja Rubina

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Mrs Matsai