dinsdag 21 juni 2016

Bubzbeauty dislikes me?! Sick in Singapore! (update)

Lately I haven't been updating my blog and/or social media (except for Snapchat), but spamming you guys with a plead to enter my giveaway! I know, annoying maybe. Thirsty perhaps. I'm that type of person who doesn't like to get under people's skin and absolutely loathes to ask for any help. I'm independent (and stubborn) like that. But now all of the sudden I went full-on spam mode, in an attempt to collect data for my research hardly anyone wants to participate in.

My biggest pitfall was actually being overly optimistic about other people's willingness to help me out. Even trying to come up with an incentive for them to help me (realizing people usually don't do stuff without something in return) by hosting a giveaway failed to work. As if it wasn't discouraging enough to have such a low response rate to my surveys and to receive some harsh criticism by a person (who consequently failed to reply to my answer to her *ahum), I spotted the following gem of a comment on my Instagram post the other day.

Wait what?! Bubz left a comment on my post? But... How the hell should I interpret it?! I could analyze her comment all day long and still not be in the clear as to whether this comment was meant to be passive aggressive or merely observational! To my reply she didn't anwer, nor did she open the extensive direct message I sent her with some additional background information on my research.

As of today, I'm still clueless. And despite the intention of her message (guessing she wasn't too happy that I tagged her in my post), you know what? I STILL NEED MORE DATA! Yes, I could've sent all these beauty gurus a personal message to notify them that I would do research on them. But I figured there'd be no way in hell they'd see my message with all the messages/emails they receive on a daily, so why bother? And I was completely right, seen as the DM I sent to Bubz was never actually opened. 

So, boohoo ay? Luckily I'm not a little girl anymore who'll sob over people that don't give 2 fucks about her in the first place. But I ám a grown woman who can do whatever she wants and who needs more data to graduate damnit! So I'll have to continue on spamming and not care what people think of me in the process. After all, "They don't eat with [me]. They don't sleep with [me]. Besides what they eat don't make [me] shit!" Real talk!

Please help me with my surveys if you haven't already. The sooner I'm done with this mess, the quicker I'll be able to blog again about actually exciting stuff!

→→→ Giveaway is closed! ←←←

And yes, I've arrived in Singapore! The past two weeks have actually been quite shitty for most of the time, from being sick to forgetting my luggage at the airport. But more on that as soon as I'm able to breath again without my thesis breathing in my neck!


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Mrs Matsai