I've been an avid reader since I was young. I started off with children's books, discovered some heavy literature around puberty (e.g. Dante Aligieri), and bought my first "self-help" book way before I hit my twenties ("Fabulosity" by Kimora Lee *back then still* Simmons). The past 5-ish years I've been all about inspirational reading, from books, to apps and blogs. Today I want to share you my top 8 favorite of them in random order! Hopefully you will find some inspiration from them too!
1. soChicken
I can't remember for the life of me how in earth I ended up on the soChicken.nl website. Maybe I was browsing around looking for some lifestyle tips and inspiration. But I'm pretty positive that this was one of my starting points into my quest for personal development through reading. SoChicken is a Dutch website that is dedicated to living a happy life and focuses on tips and tricks to get to this point. Loads of advices on topics ranging from health, relationships, and work can be found on the website and/or app, all written in a very relatable manner and words that are easy to digest.
2. Marc and Angel Hack Life
Another one of my favorite websites that is very straightforward in its design and offers lots of practical advice is marcandangel.com. Again, this website (blog actually) is focused on personal development in various areas of your life and offers socalled lifehacks to living. A bit less informal than soChicken, but also offering more information per post to reflect upon.
3. The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson
I recently finished reading this book and I completely fell in love with the Slight Edge principle! With almost every decision I make, I can't help but think of those words "easy not to do, but...". I won't give away too much about the book's content, but I can tell you it offers an interesting and practical insight into getting closer to your goals by making small steps. If you're new to the field of self-help literature, I can also recommend you to start reading Richard Carlson's Don't Sweat The Small Stuff, which was one of the first books I read on this topic!
4. TED
Seriously, go download the TED app now and you'll thank me one day. Nothing better than playing a motivational speech from a Ted speaker to start off my day with a boost, or to inspire me when I'm feeling gloomy. One of my favs is Dan Gilbert's Surpising Science of Happiness speech!
5. iDharmaBook
Unfortunately I've been slacking a bit when it comes to making use of this app (because there's so much more to read!), but this app (on which you can read lots of books) is not only a wonderful introduction into Buddhism, but also provides some reading material on how to deal with adversities in life.
6. Tiny Buddha
I'll admit I don't visit this website too often, because its layout is a bit too hectic for me, but there are definitely lots of inspiring gems to be found on this website! TinyBuddha.com has several writers for its posts, which explains somewhat the incoherence in my opinion. But it does create an element of surprise!
Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day.
7. Relaxed Hair Health
Nope, this is not a motivational blog by itself. But on most Mondays you can find a Monday Motivation blogpost on there, giving you very practical tips on how to get your career on rolls. My cousin introduced me to this series, and I've been on the look-out for news posts every Monday ever since!
8. The Secret
I've mentioned before that although I believe that a positive mindset can be very powerful in cultivating things, I don't necessarily believe that everything that happens to you is a reflection of your thoughts. Still, I really enjoyed reading the Secret and try my best to apply its principle in my everyday life by simply holding onto positive thinking. I also downloaded the 365 app on my phone, which I open up every single day after waking up to start off my morning on the right foot!
I hope some of these eventually also become sources of inspiration for you! And hopefully one day I'll be in between that list of names! Enjoy your week lovely people!
Picture by Pinterest
Thanks for the mention ☺ I need to download the TED app. Maybe it'll help me get through some rough days. Xxlobi