dinsdag 5 januari 2016

Holiday 2015 re-cap + gifts

Christmas look

This year I did not go all out for celebrations, but felt very blessed nonetheless. Being surrounded with loved ones and having yummy food at one's disposal, is really all I needed! For X-mas dinner I went to Kyoto Café for another AYCE experience. I had not been there in a while, and saw a menu change so I was excited!

Don't get me wrong, I was very happy to have another opportunity to feast. Maybe it is because I am getting older, or maybe I am just a bit too cocky when it comes to Japanese/Asian food. But it was an anti-climax for me to say the least. I still think Kyoto Café is one of the top AYCE restaurants in terms of selection and sushi, but... Quality over quantity! And that is not what AYCE dinners are about. I enjoyed the prawns, lambchops, and sushi the most. The crème brulée had a good (sugar) crack, but that was about it. The store-bought waffle should be scraped off the menu, lol. Note once again, that I am very picky though when it comes to Asian (styled) food! I would still rate Kyoto Café 3.5 out of 5 stars :)

The best (belated) gifts I got for Christmas were not tangible in nature, but rather some experiences. Although I could hardly focus on a word the pastor said during his sermon, I was really happy to find myself sitting on a church bench again. I was raised religiously, but I have personally chosen to be a rather spiritual person than to limit myself to the practice of one faith. Nonetheless, I still show much interest in different religions (I find the concept of religion truly inspiring and fascinating) and know how to appreciate a good Mass!

I also got to feast a lot during the holidays, and especially enjoy my mom's cooking (she cooked chicken, beef, ánd pork)!

Not only did I get to finally watch Les Misérables again, I was blessed to watch bih not one, not two, but three of my favorite childhood movies. The Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, ánd The Witches!

When I was a kid, I always looked forward to Christmas! Being with family, the gezelligheid, unwrapping gifts, decorating the tree! Also, on NYE we would have dinner together, eat oliebollen, say our prayers together for the old and new year, and shoot some fireworks! I still enjoy the holidays, but as I have gotten older less focus has been on exchanging gifts and dressing up to celebrate new beginnings in a big way.

I do find it a slight pity that gratefulness for the past months, and awaiting a new beginning in the new year is reserved for only one season. Although I mentioned in a previous post not being too keen on new years resolutions, because I see every day, heck every moment, as the perfect opportunity to become a better version of the person you were before, I do aspire to be more conscious of my blessings every day. The ways I have decided to work on this, is to start writing in my journal again (yes, handwritten) and to meditate every (other) day!

I think I started off well appreciating the little things lying in my old bed on Christmas night, watching a movie, while listening to the rain falling and feeling a breeze brushing against my skin. Then on NYE I felt a wave of sudden gratefullness and feeling blessed as I watched the fireworks from my window and listened to all the commotion outside in silence.

My new year started great, because I entered it watching a live stream from a party in Paramaribo, Suriname, where one of my favorite bands played a song that is dear to my heart.

I hope you all had a great holiday season and I wish you a marvelous year full of health and positivity!

p.s. Thursday you can expect my second video of the week! Best of 2015! :D

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Vroeger was t zo leuk met oud en nieuw. Weet je ook nog dat we uit t raam naar vuurwerk keken op bed omdat we bang waren voor die pagarra van omoe hahah.

    1. Ahaha... Ja :D Wij keken wel vaker uit et raam naar dingen, of mensen *shaaade*



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Mrs Matsai