zaterdag 24 oktober 2015

Raw shock-alate (review Love it raw chocolate)

Washi tape, thigh-high boots, faux furs, nude lipsticks... When I really like an item, you can pretty much consider me a hoarder. Looking at the paper bag near my desk stuffed w/ organic sweets, I nowadays am too a raw chocolate (bar) hoarder! I have tried out many brands so far, from Lovechock to Ombar to Conscious, which all come w/ a pretty hefty pricetag. They are also mainly available in organic supermarkets, and not your local grocery store.

When I walked into Xenos the other day I was so impressed w/ the wide range of healthy snacks available now! I remember the days where they would barely fill up half a shelf, and now there is half a wall dedicated to them.

When I saw these raw chocolate bars on display for only €1,99 each, I dropped two out of three flavors in my basket without any hesitation. Or so I thought... Only once I got home I realized I purchased two bars w/ mulberries! What a shock... I wanted to try out the goji berry variant too (the third flavor is w/ cacao nibs), but ah well! I think I will save the extra bar for an upcoming give-away... 

The bar itself is pretty thick, and honestly... Tastes exactly like any regular dark chocolate bar! However, the raw chocolate bars I usually munch on have a very distinct taste one might have to get used to. This made me wonder... So I took the liberty of comparing the ingredients to those of some other bars I have tried earlier. 

One thing that stands out is the sweetener in each of these bars. This bar uses cane sugar, whilst Conscious uses agave nectar, Lovechock dried coconut blossom nectar, and Ombar coconut sugar. The latter three definitely sound way more fancy schmancy (and expensive) than this bar's inclusion of regular cane sugar. Of course I cannot say w/ any certainty if this makes any difference in flavor, price, and/or availability, this is merely an observation.

Still, if you enjoy a piece of dark chocolate once in a while like I do, clap your hands because you are safe from lactose ánd you are better off than eating a piece of milky chocolate. While riding the less guilty conscience train, why not upgrade to first class while at it and score you a raw chocolate bar from Xenos that tastes exactly the same!

p.s. THANK YOU EVERYONE for liking my page of Facebook!

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Mrs Matsai