zaterdag 20 september 2014

Stuffed bacon roses (recipe)

Hi everyone! I am back with another easy (and healthy) breakfast recipe. The other day I made bacon muffin roses, or at least that is what I like to call them, stuffed with broccoli, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes. I found the basic recipe on my "Paleo plate" I-phone app, where they are called breakfast muffins. As always I pimped the recipe to my own liking, adding some extra veggies!

Ingredients (makes 4): 2 eggs, 8 strips of bacon, 3 cherry tomatoes, 2 mushrooms, some broccoli florets, coconut oil for greasing, salt and pepper to taste

Instructions: Preheat your oven at 180°C. • Grease your muffin tin, and start making "cups" with the bacon (2 strips per rose). • Whisk your eggs and season. • Pour an equal amount of eggs in each cup. • Add the veggies. • Bake for about 20 mins.



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Mrs Matsai