maandag 20 mei 2013

Study Abroad: Envy? Ain't nobody got time for that.

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.

I am not going to sit up here and lie to those reading... I am anxious as hell about going abroad! Although I am busy preparing for finals as well, I am counting the days until I leave (which are not a lot tbh T^T). To document my experiences going away I am going to try to discipline myself when it comes to blogging. I have also decided to make vlogs, (which will probably not go public for everyone to see though,) and this I believe will be the most difficult part to get used to! But having looked around on the Internet, I have not found many blogs that have detailed journals of people's experiences living abroad for school or work. And especially not about where I am going... I did not want to reveal where I am going until actually being there (I am paranoia like that sometimes), but I thought blogging about it would give me the opportunity to get to know people from there (or know about it). So without further ado, spilling the beans right here right now, in one month I will be leaving for..... TorontoCanada!

vrijdag 17 mei 2013

Study Abroad: Schoolin' life

If you're gonna brag make sure it's your money you flaunt. Depend on no one else to give you what you want.

Blogging can be very addictive, and looking at my posting frequency I do not come off as a fiend. But do not get easily fooled, I just have my priorities straight. Writing is my hobby, but not my main concern at this moment. I am working my behind off for my career, and going to university unfortunately takes up a lot of your time! And that is how come I do not blog very often. It is not at all because I have forgotten about it. Very soon, when exams have passed and summer has began, I will be posting about my adventure going abroad. I am very excited about the new environment in which I will be maneuvering, although I am not entirely sure what to expect. I am not too enthusiastic though about my 'costing way too many hours'-flight. Also, it will take some adjustment not being able to run home or immediately call my confidants whenever I need advice. Nonetheless, I would not trade this opportunity in for the world, and I am determined to make the best out it!

Please comment below if you have ever gone abroad for work or study (or have even migrated) and have any tips or advice for me (and others) about coping with both a culture shock and home sickness! Any other comment is obviously also welcomed by me ^^. Thank you for reading and leave your blog address behind if you want me to check it out!


Sefanja Rubina

zaterdag 4 mei 2013

Random: Medea goes to jail, not Madea. (Favorite books to read!)

Life itself is only a vision, a dream. Nothing exists save empty space, and you are but a thought.

Set the physical pleasures aside for a bit and let me discuss one of my favorite indulgences I have had since I was a kid, but have unfortunately given up on way too many times in my current time frame. Reading. No, not (fashion) magazines—although I am guilty of reading the Cosmopolitan and Elle almost every month since I was 13 (inquisitive ass kid w/ out Internet, what are you gonna do about it?)—but actual books. Hardcore literature. The stuff that is hard to swallow and takes ages to get through. Stories made up of sentences that you have to read at least twice to comprehend, and often change your outlook on life.

donderdag 2 mei 2013

Change is upon us. Again?!

Heck yes! I cannot deal with the same old same old urrday everyday when it comes to my environment and surroundings. Constantly changing my interior, hair color, and eating habits is nothing new to me. Luckily, very soon I will experience a completely new setting and major adaption and changes will be required of me. Because... I am moving abroad for the summer! Can you guess where I am off to? Thus, hereby another new chapter in this oh so wonderful thing called life. My grass could not be greener at this point. Although I am very busy in my daily life, I will try my utter best to update this blog as often as possible. Check-in regularly if you do not want to miss out on anything I have been up to! Be sure to leave a comment below and a link to your blog if you have one ^^ I always follow back!


Ruby H.